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WHAT TO GET the Jewelry Lover Who Has Everything

December 13, 2016

WHAT TO GET the Jewelry Lover Who Has Everything

It's good to be able to solve those age-old problems. We couldn't agree more, National Jeweler. Who doesn't want to be on the giving OR receiving end of a fantastically unique gift?! National Jeweler is known as the must-read news source for smart jewelry professionals worldwide, from retailers to buyers to manufacturers and suppliers. And they've been at it since 1906! Wow.

“File it under gifts so cool you didn’t even know you wanted one...”
— NATIONAL JEWELER : Dec. 12, 2016

Also in Crystals for Humanity Blog

Liver Disease on the Rise in Young Women...More Water, Stat!
Liver Disease on the Rise in Young Women...More Water, Stat!

June 09, 2021

According to NPR, the past few years have given rise to an “off the charts” increase in liver disease among young women. A doctor at the University of Michigan told the publication that alcoholic liver disease is up 30% over the last year within the university’s health system.
“Bad Vibes” Are No Joke
“Bad Vibes” Are No Joke

May 12, 2021

They Can Majorly Harm Mental Health. It was the interview heard around the world. When Meghan Markle and Prince Harry sat down with Oprah in March, viewers were expecting some shocking reveals, but no one was prepared for just how real the conversation got.
Crystals & Covid-19: Stones For Instant Pandemic Stress Relief
Crystals & Covid-19: Stones For Instant Pandemic Stress Relief

May 06, 2020

One thing is for sure: none of us expected 2020 to pan out quite like this. We’re writing to you from our home, where we’re hunkered down just like so many of you are. We are so thankful to be healthy, and we’re doing our best to laugh through the stress when we can, but this experience has been overwhelming in so many ways.
